Monday, December 20, 2010

It is Tuesday night December 20th. This has been a busy week. It all started last Tuesday morning with out basement being flooded. We finally got the water out and dried out.

Wednesday I spent the day at the hospital with my Mom and Dad while he was having two units of blood. My Mom doesn't see very well so I went with them to help out.

The rest of the week I was busy baking for Christmas. Made my lemon breads today. Tomorrow will be Shortbread cookie day.

I have been stitching. I am on the last 1/4 of Flowers for Momma and am also stitching on Winter White Santa. I stitch on Butterfly Fairy for my daughter when she isn't home.

Here is a picture of Sabrina that I finished and of Quaker Diamonds. Also pictured is My Day Complete.